CONTACT US (916) 252-0200


Litigation is the pursuit of practical ends, not a game of chess.

- Felix Frankfurter

In human affairs, disagreements and disputes are inevitable. When they escalate to the point of litigation, HMS Law Group attorneys are ready to aggressively and efficiently represent you.  Our aim is not simply to prevail in the lawsuit but, more importantly, to relieve you of the day-to-day stress of the litigation so you can focus on more important, meaningful, and productive tasks.


HMS attorneys have long experience handling all aspects of litigation, from drafting or replying to demand letters, filing or answering complaints, participating in alternative dispute solution or trials.  We can assist with:

  • Identifying ways to reduce your exposure to litigation, including conducting workshops or seminars tailored to your needs
  • When a dispute is imminent, ascertaining and evaluating alternatives to litigation, such as pre-lawsuit alternative dispute resolution proceedings
  • Assessing the factual and legal issues in the case, particularly with regard to the likelihood of success
  • Prior to trial, evaluating available alternative dispute resolution options
  • Trying a case through final determination, up to and including appeal


Your HMS attorneys are sensitive to the fact that litigation is expensive and time-consuming. That is why at every stage of a lawsuit HMS considers ways to increase efficiency and reduce your fees and costs without compromising the integrity of your case.  Every case is different, but some or all of the following techniques may apply to your case:

  • If a court appearance can be made by telephone rather than by traveling to and from the courthouse, your attorneys will make the telephonic appearance.
  • If an argument can be supported by citing an entry from a legal treatise or practice manual, rather than performing extensive and costly legal research, your attorneys will use the most cost-effective method.
  • Discovery disputes notoriously drive up litigation fees and costs.  While conducting discovery, your attorneys will attempt to resolve disputes with other parties informally rather than by drafting costly “meet and confer” letters or by bringing even costlier discovery motions before the court.
